Men’s Hair Growth Treatment in Northern, NH

Men’s Hair Growth Treatment in Northern, NH

At Mountain Medical Spa and Laser Center in Northern, NH, we offer a specialized Men’s Hair Growth Treatment designed to address hair thinning and loss. This state-of-the-art service harnesses the power of various medications to stimulate and encourage hair growth. Suitable for those experiencing hair thinning or bald patches, the treatment is tailored to target specific problem areas on the scalp. Generally, clients observe noticeable improvements within a few weeks and optimal results appear after a few months. The longevity of these results varies from person to person but tends to last a considerable length of time. We understand hair loss can be a sensitive issue, and we’re here to help. Schedule your consultation and personalized treatment plan for just $120 today.



Anyone experiencing hair thinning or bald patches is a potential candidate. It’s best suited for those in the early to moderate stages of hair loss.

Clients typically observe improvements within a few weeks, with optimal results becoming evident after a few months.

Results vary per individual but tend to last a considerable length of time. Regular maintenance and follow-up treatments can further prolong the results.

The treatment is generally well-tolerated with minimal downtime. Some clients might experience slight redness or irritation, which usually subsides quickly.

Before the treatment, limit exposure to the sun and refrain from using harsh hair products. After the procedure, follow the aftercare instructions provided by our professionals to maximize results and reduce any potential side effects.

The treatment is non-invasive and comfortable. Our professionals will apply the medications to the target areas on the scalp, and you can relax during the process. Post-application, you might feel a slight tingling sensation, which is normal and temporary.

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